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Buy Matcha please choose Wanshida! Fully on sale now, booking available.
Source: Time:2018-01-25 Hits:1100

    Matcha powder is made from mulch cultivated green tea grow in Wanshida high-land tea garden in 30 degrees north latitude . The tea is steamed for fixation, and then the small untwisted tea blades are dried and grinded into powders by advanced production technology imported from Japan. Matcha features nice green color, bright green color after mixing with water, fresh taste, and pleasant aroma. It can be directly consumed, or made into a variety of Matcha flavor food of drinks, cakes, ice creams cosmetics, and commodity,etc.

The Material is selected from Wanshida high-land tea garden in 30 degrees north latitude

Tea base --Company Chairman Mr. Xia Guan Gen

 Steamed Matcha Powder

Application of steamed Matcha

How to distinguish Matcha powder grade?
 Color: Good quality Matcha has  bright green color
 Smell: High-grade matcha has strong incense
  Soup color: Good Match has bright green color after brewing 
 Taste: Good Matcha has fresh and pure taste.

    Shaoxing Shnagyu Wanshdia Wheat Corporation`s Match powder is fully on sale, buy Matcha please choose Wanshida, welcome new and old customers to come to order.

Address :Shaoxing Shangyu wheat co.,ltd.
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