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On the autumn equinox, the white dew falls on the night, and the night is cool
Source: Time:2020-09-22 Hits:525

     The 16th solar term of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, usually on September 22 or 24 of the Gregorian calendar. The climate in the South begins to fall from this solar term.

     The origin of the autumnal equinox.The ancients said: "the White Dew is early, the cold dew is late, and it is the right time to plant wheat in autumn.". The time of planting winter wheat in this area is clearly stipulated in the ancient saying, while "when the weather is cloudy at the autumnal equinox, singing is good everywhere and planting rice well" reflects the time of rice planting in Jiangnan area.

     Folk custom of autumnal equinox Offering sacrifices to the moon in autumn The autumnal equinox was once a traditional "festival of offering sacrifices to the moon". Such as the ancient "Spring Festival, autumn festival month" said. Now the Mid Autumn Festival is from the traditional "festival of offering sacrifices to the moon". Eating autumn vegetables "Autumn vegetable" is a kind of wild amaranth, which is called "autumn green Artemisia". Every autumnal equinox, the whole village goes to pick autumn vegetables. The autumn vegetables collected are usually boiled with fish fillets at home, which is called "autumn soup".

     Sticky finch mouth On the autumnal equinox, farmers have a holiday according to the custom, and every family has to eat tangyuan. Moreover, they have to put more than ten or twenty or thirty cooked dumplings with fine bamboo forks on the edge of the field, which is called sticky sparrow mouth, so as not to damage the crops. Of course, it is only the farmers' good imagination and wish to stick the sparrow's mouth with tangyuan. However, it also shows a truth: the glutinous rice dumpling is relatively sticky, which is not easy to digest and should not be eaten more.

     Health preserving in autumn equinox Red lips and golden autumnal equinox Xie Yisong The autumn equinox is golden, the wind is clear and the dew is cold. The toad is full of cold. The fragrance of Cassia is far away. Su Lian undressed, xianzhan Mingfei temple. The clothes are in disorder. Yinqiao people are scattered. Blow through the Zhaohua pipe.

     Living habits Ventilation At present, the indoor air pollution is more serious than that of the outdoor, so we should pay attention to the ventilation of doors and windows to clean the air and invigorate the brain. Open more windows for ventilation. It's better to open windows once in the morning and evening. Replenish water in time After the beginning of autumn, the indoor climate is dry and fresh vegetables are reduced, which will lead to the deficiency of vitamin B and induce keratitis. Should drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables to help the body adjust

     But it's not so easy to eat lots of vegetables every day Xiaobian also has a lot of experience But since the emergence of "green juice" in the world of Xiaobian Everything has changed! A bag of green juice every day to solve the problem of insufficient fruits and vegetables That's it!

     Green juice is a beverage with barley leaves as the main raw material.


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