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On September 18, don't forget national humiliation and revitalize China!
Source: Time:2020-09-18 Hits:539

     It's September 18th again. Since then, the Chinese people's hard work began 89 years ago. In 14 years, 35 million military and civilian casualties, countless martyrs blood stained mountains and rivers Today, no matter where you are, please remember: do not forget September 18, only for the self-respect and self-improvement of the Chinese nation! 89 years ago today, Japan launched a war of aggression against China, The September 18 Incident broke out completely. In 14 years, a large area of land was occupied, 35 million compatriots died. The history written by blood and resistance reminds us: If we lag behind, we must be beaten, and only by development can we be strong.


      September 18 is national humiliation day, It is also the anniversary of the September 18th Incident. It is a great awakening day of the Chinese nation!


      On September 18, 1931,Japan launched the war of aggression against China.The next day, the Japanese army occupied Shenyang.In February 1932, the whole territory of Northeast China was occupied. 



      After that, Japan began to fight against the northeast people For 14 years Slavery and colonial rule. From 1931 to 1945, Most of China was trampled by the Japanese army More than 930 cities were occupied 42 million refugees are homeless. Made by the Japanese Army 173 cases of more than 800 civilian casualties, More than 35 million compatriots were killed.



      They were taken as comfort women by the Japanese armyChinese womenMore than 200000 people.Among the more than 40000 Chinese laborers who were plundered to JapanNearly 7000 people died in Japan.Japanese army from ChinaSteal 33.5 million tons of steel and coal586 million tons.


      In the face of brutal invaders,Brave and tenacious,The Chinese people have not bowed their heads!Yang Jingyu, Zhao Shangzhi, Zhao Yiman,……Countless revolutionary martyrs,It's better to be broken than to yield.I wrote a series,It is a solemn and stirring poem.And countless unsung heroes,You are not afraid of life and death,Armed against the Japanese aggressors.Played a tune,High and exciting song.


      You use your own bodies,In exchange for China's prosperity today;With your own blood,He defended the integrity of the motherland's territory;You use your own lives,It has built the great wall of the Chinese nation.Revolutionary martyrs, unknown heroes;The spirit of the hero is immortal.The people's heroes are immortal!


      Today, let's think about it quietly and deeply,The most affectionate blessing and the highest respect,To the heroes who defend our motherland!Today, China is full of vitality,Has stood tall in the east of the world.But time can pass,The mark of blood cannot be forgotten! 


      We commemorate history, not to continue hatred,But to pay homage to the martyrs' bloody war of resistance.Salute the uncompromising war!Salute the unyielding backbone of the Chinese nation!We commemorate history,It is to learn from history and face the future.In memory of the martyrs who have served the motherland one after another,Bear in mind the painful lesson that falling behind means being beaten.Cherish the hard won peace.With tears in our eyes,Gazing at the land.ay the smoke of war no longer diffuse!May the happy land of our motherland be peaceful forever!



      Time can pass, but history cannot be forgotten.Remember the past to avoid tragedy,Remember history to cherish peace!Narrow as the earth is, it is guarded with blood;The Chinese dream is broad, and we will work together for justice and peace.Today, we pay tribute to the martyrs.Years are boundless, heroes are immortal!Don't forget national humiliation.Be prepared for danger in times of peace, abstain from extravagance and be thrifty.Only by remembering history,In order to move towards a bright future.Don't forget the national war, our self-improvement!


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