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Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind
Source: Time:2020-07-01 Hits:566

    From March of the volunteer army to Dongfanghong, from the story of spring to entering a new era, the course of wind and rain and the glorious history of 99 years are our great Communist Party of China at every critical moment and at every major juncture. It leads the people to grasp the general trend of history, conform to the trend of the times, and constantly create a new situation of revolution and construction, It has made great achievements in history.

    It was proposed by Chairman Mao in May 1938 to regard July 1 as the anniversary of the party's birth. At that time, Chairman Mao put forward in his article on protracted war that "July 1 this year marks the 17th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China." This is the first time that leading comrades of the Central Committee have clearly pointed out that "July 1" is the anniversary of the birth of the party.

   As the anniversary of the birth of the party, "July 1" was first seen in the central document in June 1941. At that time, the CPC Central Committee issued the instructions on the 20th anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China and the four year anniversary of Anti Japanese war. "July 1 this year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the fourth anniversary of China's war of resistance against Japan," said the directive. "All anti Japanese base areas should hold separate meetings, adopt various measures, hold commemorative meetings, and publish special issues or special issues in various journals." This is the first document made in the name of the CPC Central Committee to mark July 1 as the anniversary of the party's birth.

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