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Wanshida wheat let you enjoy the delicious "zongzi" love Dragon Boat Festival!
Source: Time:2020-06-24 Hits:961


Origin of Dragon Boat Festival

      一、 Ancient scholars

            1. From Yulan Festival

            The ancients picked orchids in May, and the custom of bathing and detoxifying with orchid soup prevailed. Xia Xiaozheng, the book of rites of Dadai: "may Boil the plum for the bean and store the orchid for the bath. " Qu Yuan's nine songs in the cloud: "bathing orchid soup is jumpy and mufang, and Chinese clothes are like English." "The fifth day of May is called the Yulan Festival," said Liang Renzong in the Southern Dynasty This custom spread to the Tang and Song Dynasties, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival of Yulan month.

          The book of rites of Dadai was compiled by Dai De, a famous scholar of rites during the reign of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty. If this theory is established, the Dragon Boat Festival has appeared in the pre-Qin period, and it has lasted for more than 2000 years, which can be said to be profound. 

          2. "Bad day" theory

          In the Han Dynasty, people believed that may 5 was a bad month and a bad day, and there was a custom of "not giving birth to the son of May 5", that is, the baby born on May 5 could not be brought up, either male or female. Once brought up, men harm their father and women harm their mother. There are even some sayings, such as "when you come to the office in May, you can't move until you get rid of it", "when you build a house in May, you will be bald" and so on. This custom began to be popular in the Warring States period at the latest and continued to be popular in the Han Dynasty. There are many records of this custom in Lun Heng, Ying Shao and later Han Shu.

        3. Reminiscence of historical figures

         Historical documents are souvenirs that the writers leave their love and hate records to the later generations. The literati in Han and Wei dynasties, who emphasized reasoning and had clear love and hatred, hated Goujian, the ungrateful overlord of Yue and Wengong of Jin for a while, and turned their compassion to Wu Zixu, who was straightforward and courageous to remonstrate, Jie Zitui, who did not ask for rewards, and Chen Lin, the emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who was the chief of the imperial household. Therefore, in the end of Han Dynasty, they connected festivals with historical figures, and had the custom of welcoming Wu Zixu on May 5 in today's Wu (Zhejiang area) (Cao E In the Han Dynasty, in cennan Cangwu (today's Guangxi), the common people in the East Gate on May 5, made the young children dance in clean clothes, and remembered Chen Lin (later Han Dynasty book), the prince who ruled the county with integrity and filial piety.

     二、 On the innovation of modern scholars 

     Since the 20th century, with the progress of folklore, more and more scholars have paid attention to the Dragon Boat Festival, and there are more and more outstanding theories, among which the representative ones are: 

   1. The theory of sacrificing dragon totem

  Mr. Wen Yiduo initiated this theory. He cited the origin of Dragon Boat Festival in the article "examination of Dragon Boat Festival". It is proposed that Dragon Boat Festival is a totem worship festival held by Wu and Yue nationalities, and it is also a Dragon Festival.

      2. Dragon Boat Festival originated from the summer solstice

      The first advocate of the summer solstice is Mr. Huang Shi. In 1963, he proposed in the book "history of the rites and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival" (published by Hong Kong QINXING publishing house in 1963). In 1983, Mr. Liu Deqian thought that the Dragon Boat Festival came from the summer solstice in the period of Xia, Shang and Zhou in "the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival again" (knowledge of literature and history, 1983, issue 5). He also proposed that the "Dou Bai Cao" and "picking miscellaneous herbs" in the Dragon Boat Festival had nothing to do with Qu Yuan. At the international academic conference held in Seoul, South Korea, in December 2006, Mr. He Xingliang, a researcher of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, once again perfected the theory of the summer solstice, and proposed that the Dragon Boat Festival is the summer solstice, which is refreshing.

     As a solar term, the summer solstice began in the Warring States period and was perfected in the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The lunar calendar of the early days of the lunar calendar, with the first lunar month as the beginning of the year, has set the 24 solar terms into the calendar for the first time. The summer solstice, as one of the 24 solar terms, has a legal status in promoting the whole country. Taichu calendar is a new calendar developed by Sima Qian, Tang Du and Luo xiahong in Chang'an, the capital of Han Dynasty. It is the first relatively scientific and complete calendar in our history. The Han people should Shao's "Customs" recorded that on May 5, the Han custom used the green, red, yellow, white, black and other multicolored silk threads to synthesize the strings, which were tied on the arm, called "long life thread" or "continuous life thread", "five color thread", Zhu thread, etc., so as to drive away the plague, eliminate the evil and stop the evil spirit. Similar documents are recorded in the book of rites in the later Han Dynasty. In this way, time, place and customs are integrated. The Dragon Boat Festival was born in Chang'an, the capital of the Han Dynasty. It is as ripe as a melon.


     Zongzi is a kind of food that is very difficult to digest, and it is also a kind of food with very high calories. If you eat zongzi, eat too much, it is easy to cause obesity, not to mention, it is also easy to cause gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Notes on eating zongzi

1. Zongzi can't be eaten when it's not fully cooked. At this time, zongzi tastes bad and is very difficult to digest, which will bring great load to the stomach and intestines;

2. Don't eat Zongzi too fast or too much because it's not easy to digest. Zongzi must be eaten in proper amount, and don't eat too fast to avoid the risk of suffocation due to improper eating. The elderly and children should be especially careful;

3. Pay attention to eating with some fruits, vegetables, tea, etc;

4. For patients with gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, it's better not to eat zongzi, which is high in oil, sugar and calories. It's easy to cause indigestion, blood viscosity and other problems because of its fast sugar rise. Therefore, it's necessary to be careful!

Therefore, eating zongzi has a festival and eating zongzi has wisdom, which is the last pride of enjoying delicious food in Dragon Boat Festival!

Wanshida wheat /  barley grass juice
Let you enjoy the delicious "zongzi" love Dragon Boat Festival

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    Zongzi: on heroes with stuffing

     We talk about success or failure with health 

    Enjoy the delicious "zongzi" love Dragon Boat Festival

"Zongzi" has you in mind!


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