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Our company successfully passed the Lishui Shangeng certification
Source: Time:2018-11-02 Hits:657

    Recently, Wanshida Wheat Corporation successfully passed the “Lishui Shanteng” International Certification Alliance Certification and became the Lishui Shangeng Certificated Enterprise. The certified products include: barley grass powder, barley grass juice powder, wheat grass powder, wheat grass juice powder (all of the above products are organic certified). Only organically certified products can apply the “Lishui Shanteng” certification, which is of great significance for our company to improve product quality.

    The “Lishui Shangeng” certification mark is the characteristic agricultural certification mark of the “Pinmark Standard” series. It is the graphic logo of the product that meets the evaluation requirements of “Lishui Shangeng”, which uses “Pin” character as the basic element, reflecting the. the high quality and high standards of the “Lishui Shangeng” products. The color uses grass green to highlight the natural flavor and the connotation of Zhejiang's “beautiful landscape”.

Lishui Shangeng logo

    Established in 1998, Shaoxing Shangyu Wanshida Wheat Corporation (formerly Shangyu Wanshida Wheat Corporation.) is a professional manufacturer integrating research ,development, production, processing, packaging and operation of various plant powders and plant extracts. Our Company owns more than 10,000 acres of ecological planting base. Obtaining the "Lishui Shangeng" certification, is both an honor and a pressure to us. our company will make our products better to be worthier of this title.


                                  (Barley grass powder Certificate)                                                                                                (Wheat grass powder Certificate)

Address :Shaoxing Shangyu wheat co.,ltd.
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